
Showing posts from July, 2014

Curious heart

Searched for one, After all the stories. was convinced, misdirected! Believed in sincerity, Compassion, a loving honest person. One I connected with was indifferent. desired one who danced in steps, with only me. Navigates life perfectly. Discovered the stories were untrue. His person, ways were horrible. My curious, hurting heart lost hope, continues. Buy my book of poems by clicking this link

To Forget

Baby, I broke free! I've got a new outlook. Am hoping it will revive me. Given the beating life gave me. My poems and lyrics enabled me. At times, they relayed sorrow, longings for a happy tomorrow. Recall I enjoyed writing them. They brought relief to me. Wish for some to be put to music. I would lose myself in my poems and lyrics. Perhaps I'll forget, the complication. These alone were my perfect fix. To forget my brokenness. Devoted a life time to my passions. Only to lose myself in my songs. Buy by poetry book by selecting this link